The cases can be managed within Qourt from case filing, registration to disposition. All the details assocaited with a case can be shared to respective parties
Qourt is built to manage Efiling online. Claims can be filed through the Efiling system so that the Court can register the case after due deligence
Qourt is integrated with Microsoft Teams and online hearings can be schedule from Qourt application.
Qourt generates daily, weekly and monthly cause list and it can be configured to publish it to the Court websites/ portal.
Qourt calculates the Court fee automatically related to a case and invoices and receipts are sent to the parties after the payment is effected.
Judges as users of the Qourt application, upon login can view the specifc details of their cases assigned to them along with supporting documents
Bails applications can be filed through Qourt and the application is processed by the Court administrators as per the bail type considering the type of case. Notifications are sent to respective parties on the status of the Bail application.
Yes Issues can be framed using Qourt case wise and is made visible to relevant parties
Witnesses and evidences related to a case can be recorded and accessed by respective parties related to the case
Qourt allows transfer of cases between same Court types, Higher Courts within a jurisdiction or outside a jurisdiction
Qourts’ Intelligent scheduling system allows the Court admins to book the judges timings for hearings from the list of judges, based on their availability.
Users are managed through groups and are assigned rights to access sections within the Court departments, they are working
Yes pro bono cases can be managed in Qourt . The system allows collection of Court fee for pro bono cases either from the Lawfirms or based on the specific conditions/directives of the Court
Qourt is a SaaS application operating on Microsoft Azure and the payment for usage of Qourt can be made on a monthly basis.
Yes in special cases where a customer is insistant on an On-premise model , Qourt can be implemented On-Premise
Qourt is designed to operate in a highly secure environment considering the sensitivity of the data being used by the judiciary and the law enforcement departments. OWASP security standards, encryption, decryption, anti forgery methodologies are incorporated at different data access levels with relevant validation models, both backend and frontend